Greetings all. Following a "painful but not incapacitating" back issue, some more members of Club Painted '24 have joined up. Mainly 40K but there are defo some items that could find they're way on to an Olde Worlde battlefield as well. So enough foreplay, here's the money shots;
A Couple of Voidscarred Pirates
Some time ago I chopped up some Aeldari Guardians to masquerade as
Aeldari Voidscarred pirates. They saw a couple of games but as I hadn't created two options for the squad. One is a pirate armed with a sniper rifle and the other is a psyker with a horrible executioner attack. Their current special rule is, nominate a target at the start of the battle and these guys have precision and lethal hits. Very useful to try to get shot of apothecarys and painboyz. So, many days pass, and I have them done. Voila!
Based on an Aeldari Ranger this chap has a Druchari Dark Lance (counts as a sniper rifle), Incubi/Harlequin head mash up and a necklace with some critter's tongue hanging from it. Lovely. |
Wayseeker for the pirates. Guardian body, high elf wizard's staff and an old Druchari head. |
Chaos Ork
There used to be a Ork Freebooterz book that contained many excellent ideas and cool narrative rabbit holes to wander down. With models made for said excusions. One of these was was a chaos Ork mutant. Here he is, complete with mutated claw arm. I think the fluff was, before it was retconned to be impossible, Orks could follow the four ruinous powers, grow a pair of horns, and still be eligible for inclusion in an Ork Waaargh! Sadly not any longer it seems, regardless I had one for many years and slapped some paint on him. He may, I suppose be found on the table during a chaos incursion, where his mutation (looks like an Ork with horns and a crab claw) will be properly appreciated.
Horny Crabclaw the Duffer-Upper. |
Ordo Malleus with Chaotic Leanings
Another ancient model is my Inquisitor, whom, amongst other things can be my Astra Militarum Aeronautic advisor, shady human baddie and even a fully paid up member of the Ordo Astartes*. I put an old chaos space marine backpack on him because it is was more gothic looking than the boring imperial one. There is a good chance he will soon see action in our current 40K crusade when he joins my Astra Militarum force to sort out Scargill Sector.
Turk Badgallows, Ordo Astartes, heretics slain, xenos purged, discount rates for offing Space Marines. |
Medi-Bot Saw-N-Chop
As part of a Astra Militarum revamp, a medical robot has been commissioned by High Command, to help boost morale and cut down on wasteful medical activities. His duties include; (but are not exclusive to) amputation, cauterization and emergency battlefield lobotomy. Comes with per grooming attachement.
Ready to dissect in the Emperor's name. |
Druchari Medusa
A while back I bought some Chinaforge tat that ultimately was dissappointing, this Medusa was among that tat. Back when I wanted stuff that a lot of the time I didn't really, but got it anyway. I am led to beleive Chinaforge is on a par with Failcast in terms of quality at a quarter of the price. I only bought a few bits and in all probability, never again. This guy's chain fell off and was likely going to be left in a tin until I thought to put a bit of raider chain betwixt his wrists to give the whole horrific "too dangerous for even the Archon to leave roaming about the place" sort of vibe. I'm certain but this could also be marginally smaller than the GW one.
Gwimble Mindnobbler. |
Dungeons & Lasers Objective Markers
Here are some Dungeons & Lasers items that I think can be used for both 40K jungle objective markers and mysterious scenery in Warhammer Fantasy. They're all on 40mm bases so you get an idea of the size. First up is a totem pole style thing, off the top of my head I don't know it's WFB use but I'm sure it can find use in a campaign involving a feral Imperial world with possibly alien interferance. Just slapped on some contrast paints and hey presto!
Probably an incongrueous setting but it will look much better on a properly themed board. |
Next up is an otherworldly monument with some vines around it and what seems to be some sort of stable magnetic field that make the sections all float on one another. Probably going to represent something elven in WFB and a proper alien relic for the despoiling of by rabid Imperial troops in 40K.
Here we have floaty alien monument cordoned off from a gaggle of treasure hunting xenos. |
Lastly is a much more exsplicable item. For all intents and purposes a slightly vandalised elven way stone. In 40K terms, for the purposes of display, it has been dragged off from it's idyllic home on a maiden world to be further abused, rediculed and spat at, by the honest Emperor fearing citizens of whichever Imperial world it has been dragged off to.
The treasure hunters wait for the coast to clear so they can; return/vandalise more/divine the secrets of the universe said waystone. |
*For those who haven't heard of them, the Ordo Astartes are a secretive branch of the Inquisition who mainly investigate Space Marine incompetence, rebellion, petulance and general uppityness. The Ordo was formed after approximately 1000 chapters of 1000 marines seemed to fight in 50% of all battles within the Imperium, often against other Space Marine chapters. The High Lords of Terra are probably going to sort them out pretty soon.
So that's what I've gotten finished this update. Until next time hobby responsibly and try not to steal any alien artefacts form other worlds that don't belong to you.
Thanks for reading.