Friday, 14 March 2025

The Battle of Salt Storm: Straken's First Hoo-rah!

Greetings. I have deceided to try to rekindle my batrep habit. The game was played a couple of weeks ago but storm Aowyn but a halt to that by tearing doen trees and leaving myself and many thousands of others in Ireland without power. So enough about real life, it's time to retreat into my fantasy world.

Inquisitor Jao of the Ordo Astartes was on the Imperial planet Almyrós tracking evidence of a full tactical squad of Adeptus Astartes that had apparently turned renegade and departed their chapter. They were from a Blood Angel successor chapter called The Blood Swillers. His spy network informed him that a sizeable force of Blood Angels, led by commander Dante himself had landed on the planet. He was then  sent a curt message to desist any attempts to track the renegades as it was effectively being taken over as a Blood Angel business. Jao then decided to meet and discus the matter with Dante in a settlement known as Salt Storm due to it's proximity to the vast sodium granule desert and subsequent regular weather phenomenon . In accordance with his elevated suspicion he commandeered a force of Astra Militarum as an escort and arrived to find the blood Angels arrayed for battle. Without waiting for the Astartes  to attack Jao gave Commander Straken the order to deploy and thus the Battle of Salt Storm began.

 This game I will be referring to my Tabletop Battles app so I can accurately state what objectives were acheived and in what turn. This game was also pre-Astra Militarum codex so I'm just using the datasheets. I'm using Combined Regiment and Aaron my opponent used Liberator Assault Group. Mission set up was using the Pariah mission deck with Sweeping Engagement, Strike Force and Fog of War. I chose to be defenders and got first turn. All in all, it was going exactly as I wanted so far.

Aarons Army;
Astorath The Executioner's Axe
Commander Dante PerditionThe Axe MortalisWarlord
Captain with Jump Pack Gift of ForesightMelee and PistolRelic WeaponPlasma Pistol

10x Assault Intercessor Squad 
5x Intercessor Squad 
10x Tactical Squad 

5x Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs (90pts)
5x Death Company Marines with Jump Packs (130pts)
3x Eliminator Squad (85pts)
5x Infiltrator Squad (100pts)
3x Sanguinary Guard (130pts)
5x Terminator Assault Squad (180pts)
Baal Predator (135pts): Armoured TracksHunter Killer MissileStorm Bolter2 Heavy BoltersTwin Assault Cannon
Brutalis Dreadnought (160pts): Twin Icarus Ironhail Heavy StubberBrutalis TalonsTwin Multi-melta
Land Raider Redeemer (285pts): Armoured Tracks2x Flamestorm CannonHunter Killer MissileMulti-meltaStorm BolterTwin Assault Cannon

My Army
‘Iron Hand’ Straken [Legends] (55pts): Auto Shotgun, Bionic Arm with Devil's Claw, Plasma pistol
Leman Russ Commander (235pts): Armoured tracks, Hunter-killer missile, Demolisher battle cannon, Lascannon, 2 Multi-meltas, 2x Multi-melta
Primaris Psyker (60pts): Force weapon, Laspistol, Psychic maelstrom
Inquisitor in Terminator Armour [Legends] (70pts): Warlord, Force weapon, Psycannon, Psychic gifts
Jokaero Weaponsmith [Legends] (30pts): Close combat weapon, Jokaero weapons

10x Cadian Shock Troops (65pts)
10x Cadian Shock Troops (65pts)

Death Korps of Krieg (65pts)

3x Cadian Heavy Weapons Squad (50pts)
3x Cadian Heavy Weapons Squad (50pts)
3x Ogryn Squad (60pts)
9x Attilan Rough Riders (120pts)
Basilisk (140pts): Armoured tracks, Earthshaker cannon
Hellhound (125pts): Inferno cannon, Heavy flamer, Armoured tracks
Leman Russ Battle Tank (175pts): Armoured tracks, Leman Russ battle cannon, Hunter-killer missile, Lascannon, 2 Heavy Bolters, 2x Heavy bolter
Leman Russ Battle Tank (175pts): Armoured tracks, Leman Russ battle cannon, Hunter-killer missile, Lascannon, 2 Heavy Bolters, 2x Heavy bolter
Daemonhost [Legends] (40pts)
11x Exaction Squad (90pts)
12x Inquisitorial Agents (100pts)
Inquisitorial Chimera (70pts): Armoured tracks, Hunter-killer missile, Lasgun array, Heavy bolter, Heavy stubber, Heavy bolter

From up to down mortar heavy weapons, leman russ, cadians, leman russ, leman russ demolisher commander, another heavy weapon squad, catachans with straken and a chimera filled with Arbites. Inquisitor Jao is waiting in strategic reserves.

Turn One

Turn one mission objectives were Assassination and no prisoners. Commander Dante was up in space, Astorath was hiding in a Death Company unit and the captain with the gift of foresight, had the foresight to hide in the redeemer landraider with the assault intercessors. Aaron's infiltrators infiltrated onto the objective on my right so right off the bat I had to try to get them off (ooer!) that objective with extreme prejudice from the start. I gave the kriegers with the primaris psyker the order to move move move to attack them and virtually all the rest of my units got take aim! I trundled my demolisher forward and unleashed hell on the landraider. The demolisher very nearly one shotted the bugger when I rolled two 6's to hit with the multimelta. I also very nearly offed the Death Company, but not enough to get to Astorath. So I failed assassination but killed both the Eliminators and the Land Raider. Aaron drew assassination as well and sabotage. He held the right hand objective (barely) and advanced up to attack my hellhound and chimera full of arbites.

Kriegers using military tictacs and a can-do attitude nearly kill a unit of Reivers. After this picture was taken they charged the marine, almost killing him.

The hellhound moves up to burn some marines. Quite unwise as it makes 'em angry.

A crazed nearly dead Space Marine gets put into an even bigger suit of armour so he can mess shit up, in this case a hellhound that torched some of his mates. Sadly for the dread, his stubby legs couldn't get him to destroying range of the hellhound.

As all my characters were fairly well protected and his snipers were gone assassination was a tough ask. The big blob of intercessors started sabotaging some industrial pipe. Aaron made the sensible decision to shoot the chimera with his dreadnaught and charge the nearer hellhound to kill two birds with one stone. This worked out badly as he failed to kill the chimera (to let his assault intercessors gobble them up) and then failed the charge into the hellhound. So at the end of the turn no secondaries were scored. 4 - 0 to the astra militarum. 

Turn Two

I was still hopefull of assassinating someone so I kept that card and drew overwhelming force, which was very doable with all my tanks still in play. I moved the Cadians up to create a bit of a buffer for any deepstriking chapter masters that might be about and brought my rough riders on the left flank to attack a unit of intercessors and maybe steal the objective over there. The lone infiltrator was beaten up by the Kriegers and the Death Company on the centre objective were blown off it giving me 5 points for overwhelming force. The dreadnaught got demolisher cannoned to death before he could start using those nasty claws. The Rough riders however failed their charge to get the Blood Angels vandalising the pipes. The Arbites jumped out to try to arrest Astorath, but it was another failed charge.

So Aaron got his sabotage and drew area denial. Oath of moment went on to the Rough Riders (I don't remember what it went on first turn). Luckily for me it was only the intercessors and predator that had a bead on them but them were well reduced with shooting and subsequently charged, almost killing them. Fortunately for me as well Dante and his sanguinary guard couldn't deploy close enough to any of the tanks, saving their bacon and the Terminators came in in my back right flank witha view to taking, then scorching the objective there. Dante's unit charged and wiped out the Cadian speed bump but the terminators charged the Kriegers giving them a larruping and grabbing the objective. At the end of the turn the scores were 20 - 13.

After receiving the oath of moment, the Attilans barely made it out of the 2nd turn.


Turn Three

Turn three saw some see sawing between units taking an objective and then losing it when the big burly Astartes show up to kill for the Emperor. Inquisitor Jao arrived killing both the intercessors fighting the Rough Riders, who had skedaddled into Aaron deployment zone. Some concentrated battlecannon fire wiped out Astorath, Dante and his bodyguard. The Arbites were all chopped up and the assault intercessors move in on to the chimera which had been living a charmed life so far. The Ogryns arrived on the backfield to try to charge the marines holding their home objective. I finally moved Straken out of his cosy little deployment zone. Grenaded the Terminators. I scored extend battle lines and establish locus. Aaron secured no man's land and recovered assets in his turn. Scores were 43 - 35.

Assault Intercessors, one of my all time least favourite things in 40K. They have a bajillion attacks donchaknow?

Prepare to be arrested Space Marines!

The Arbites aren't really a match for the Blood Angels and to make matters worse Astrorath the Grim is thinking about getting involved.

Some Terminators crash the party, after they minced the Krieg, some enthusiastic Cadians looking for all intents and purposes as Catachans walk up and throw grenades at them.

Meanwhile, Inquisitor Jao makes his entrance. His motley crew of mainly Necromundans try to kill a Predator.

Colonel Straken lolls about overseeing all the Cadians and Kriegers getting killed.

Having dealt with the cops, these transhuman lawbreakers go for a tank, vandals! Straken is coming to the rescue though.

The marines are getting a bit thin on the ground, assault intercessors, a banged up predator and a combat squad of intercessors are all that's left.

Just before Straken's heroic charge to save the day.

Last Two Turns

Straken and his mates got stuck into the Assault Intercessors, the Ogryns and Hellhound did the same in Aaron's backfield and a lot of battlecannon and earthshaker cannons done in the Terminators. At the end of the game all the marines were dead and I had been very lucky to have saved the Adeptus Munitorum a lot of cash as most of the tanks were still on the table. Of course a lot of posthumous commendations had to be sent out to Krieg and the smoking ball of rubble that was Cadia too. All in all the renegade Space Marines were put in their place and were taken into custody by the Inquisition if any survived.

Aaron's score sheet.


I'd love to say that I'm a tactical genius and Aaron just got beaten by the better man. This isn't true, Aaron's army had considerably less anti tank that it should - particularly against Astra Militarum. Some of the tactical objectives cards he drew weren't really helpful, and as is commonly the case, first turn is pretty important. Aaron's army was great looking but a little close combat orientated for a AM gunline, plus some of the main targets either failed crucial charges or (in the case of the assault Intercessors)had their ride shot out from under them. Lethal hits were also incredibly usful, in particular multimelta shots on the landraider. My second turn screening was pretty good giving Dante a 65 point Cadian unit to kill and not much else of tactical value. When all's said and done it was a fun game that i hope my opponent enjoyed as well. A by product of the game is Aaron has since purchased some lascannon army predators to even things up next time, so I look forward to that.

I suppose to try to keep some sort of narrative going within the game, Inquisitor Jao, once all the blood and guts were swept up conceeded that the Blood Angelss attacked when they saw his daemonhost - Barlsusnart and the whole thing seemed 'dodgy'. Luckily, neither Dante, or Astorath were properly dead and everybody laughed about it later. Inquisitor Jao still has his suspicions about the Blood Swillers, but he gave them a pass this time. Probably a fairly non grimdark epilogue but that's my story and I'm sticking to it. 

Thanks for reading.

Friday, 17 January 2025

2025 Reinforcements

 Happy New Year! Just a quick update to show some models I finished last year but because of reasons I only got to put them up now. It's another ecclectic mix of gubbins but at least some of it will see table time this year, I promise.

Multicultural Weapons Team

Last year I finished a couple of weapons teams for the Astra Miltarum, here is the final member of team Shoot 'em up. Most notable thing about this team is it contains a Cadian and a Tallarn. Truly proof that the Guard is one big happy, xenos hating family.

Ready to put large calibre but nontheless not very armour piercing munitions into the enemy.

Wannabee Commissar

This Valhallan lieutenant has been painted up as a Commissar with slightly questionable tastes in a uniform. Perhaps he is from a world where ludicrous hats are a thing, or perhaps he comes from Miliner 8 a planet where everyone makes the most of customising their head gear. Perhaps he is just wearing it for a dare. Only he, and by extension, me, knows.
Braggs Vanglore Commissar Extrodinaire!

Ursakar Creed

I can now confirm Ursakar Creed did not actually die at the fall of Cadia, he simple scarpered. With the new Astra Militarum book round the corner he may see some table time as his own daughter, some sort of Oedepus Syndrome in reverse.

Creed shows everyone his thousand yard stare.

Next are two Cadians that missed last muster and have shown up pretending they were here all along. Not much to say about them but they probably went AWOL with Creed on the last shuttle leaving Cadia dressed as orphans.

Privates Shufty and Koggs.

Redemptionist Zealot

This chap is going to join an Inquisitorial Henchmen group as an Eviscerator is just what is required to uncover the truth about whatever Inquisitor is looking into at any specific time. He can also hang out with his other Redemptionist mates if he is ever back on Necromunda, with a hankering for burning heretics. Fun times.

Slobberchops the Mangler

The Problem With Humanity These Days

Is mutants. The one below is a couple of AdMech bits grafted to a Skaven Clansman (or Slave). He is armed with some sort of Radium weapon and a big engorged throat. He will probably feature in a battle whenever I get my Chaos Cultist Army's shit together.

Goiters Malone

The Cops

Finished this month as well is my Adeptus Arbites squad. Cracking models, but I'm hoping to create some improbable occurances where they arrest Chaos Primarchs or an Avatar of Khaine. Or even the Silent King, I'm easy.
Ready to restrain criminals with extreme prejudice and minor glee.

Shotpistol, Webber and Grenade Launcher dudes.

Gimp, Buffalo Bill and Sniper.

One Proctor and his Cyber Hound

So there you have it, the Imperium has been reinforced, and the enemies of mankind will quake with terror at the sight of these heroes. Or something,

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Deathworld Flora & Fauna ; Giant Wasps

 Greetings. A while ago I backed a kickstarter that had all manner of weird D&D type stuff from Dungeons & Lasers, one of the first ones for me to paint up were some giant wasps. They were fearured in the original Rogue Trader rulebook and I really liked the idea of horrific critters buzzing around paralysing their prey and laying eggs in them as a particularly horrific end. another reason I painted them up quick was as proxies for razorwing flocks for my Beastmaster. 

Natures arsehole, the wasp.

Equally at home in urban areas.

All I need to do now is finish up some jungle terrain and play a skirmish game where the protagonists have to cross one side of the table to the other without upsetting a nests of these dillholes. In any case they are off my 'to do' list and on to my 'play with' lists.

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Faux Solar Leontus and Some Fodder

Greetings, it's been a while since my last update, but for some reason I wait until there are loads of nearly finished models then I procrastinate for weeks until I finally take the plunge and actually complete models. According to Instagram, I may have undiagnosed ADHD. Or, I'm just a bit on the lazy side.

Lord Solar Leontus Knock Off 

As I'm trying to actually finish my models rather than continually buy more, I decided  (some time ago) to knock up a Lord Solar to dish orders out to tank commanders. With the new munitorum field manual* that seems a bit redundant, but I don't call this blog Continental Drift Painting for nowt! So I dug around in my bits box and found an old Elector Count of Ostland who looks quite Attilan so I can make him my commander. Of course he is armed with a bow so some grinding and cutting later he has been given a shotgun. The runefang he holds in his other hand passes for the sort of fancy master crafted power sword that the aristocratic types are always getting handed to them, so no converting there. The horse is a standard armoured warhorse from back in the day, and to give it a more 40K look I used bits of a Chinaforge Wraithknight on the base as I really can't be arsed trying to put it together.He now represents any historical** Astra Militarum commander from any time in the 41st (or other) Millennium. 

Lord Solar Leontusish

Cadian Heavy Weapons Teams

Here's a couple of old metal heavy weapons teams. Rocket Launcher and Autocannon. In my experience weapons teams don't last pissing time in games, I wonder how much they will be used. These are the first models I've actually put on the 60mm base but I do like how you can make mini dioramas on them.

"Right lads, draw the enemies attention with your ever-so-slightly effective weapons!". 

Some Oldschool Guardsmen

Here are some early nineties metal guardsmen. I gave them some AdMech bits to denote a medic and vox unit. The rather bulbous plasma gun is from the Space Ork sprue from around the same time, I have a regimental standard to make me a second platoon command squad.

Spatz for the EMPEROR!

Below are some Cadians to form a blob with the command squad above. One of the main reasons is the command squad's special rule, the one that ignores negative modifiers to profiles (except ap) and as I regularly play against  Death guard, there is a built in gotcha in the army.



Below is the old overweight Cadian lieutenant aided and abetted by two sergeants and a couple of expendables. Not like the ones in the Sly Stallone movies, the ones that have to put their soft bodies onto objectives a millisecond or two before enemy close combat troops gobble them up.

"Stand here men so's I don't get killed!".

Death Korp of Krieg

Next is some Death Korp of Krieg. Everyone's favourite cult of sacrifice fodder. I'm toying with the idea of using a 20 man blob but then I have to spend money. These ones are an exchange for some chaos marines I didn't want but since I got them I have a hankering for some more. As they have been strongly teased for the new book, they may well come with some ever more fun rules. Hopefully Santa will see fit to get me some more. These are absolutely great models but the only downside was they were put together before I got them some I think I'd have put a plasma gun in the unit rather than a flamer (I have loads of flamers already).

Meltagun, club, map, sniper rifle and imperial primer armed infantry.

Lasgun with bayonet, sergeant, medic, bionic arm flamer.

The whole gang.

So there you have it. My Astra Militarum have been enlarged by 29 or so models which is great for me, and not so great for the enemies of the Imperium.

Thanks for reading.

 * They gained the SQUADRON keyword so they can tell themselves to shoot better.

**Or more accurately futuristic.

Wednesday, 5 June 2024

More Villans and Some Objectives

Greetings all. Following a "painful but not incapacitating" back issue, some more members of Club Painted '24 have joined up. Mainly 40K but there are defo some items that could find they're way on to an Olde Worlde battlefield as well. So enough foreplay, here's the money shots;

A Couple of Voidscarred Pirates

Some time ago I chopped up some Aeldari Guardians to masquerade as Aeldari Voidscarred pirates. They saw a couple of games but as I hadn't created two options for the squad. One is a pirate armed with a sniper rifle and the other is a psyker with a horrible executioner attack. Their current special rule is, nominate a target at the start of the battle and these guys have precision and lethal hits. Very useful to try to get shot of apothecarys and painboyz. So, many days pass, and I have them done. Voila!

Based on an Aeldari Ranger this chap has a Druchari Dark Lance (counts as a sniper rifle), Incubi/Harlequin head mash up and a necklace with some critter's tongue hanging from it. Lovely.

Wayseeker for the pirates. Guardian body, high elf wizard's staff and an old Druchari head.

Chaos Ork

There used to be a Ork Freebooterz book that contained many excellent ideas and cool narrative rabbit holes to wander down. With models made for said excusions. One of these was was a chaos Ork mutant. Here he is, complete with mutated claw arm. I think the fluff was, before it was retconned to be impossible, Orks could follow the four ruinous powers, grow a pair of horns, and still be eligible for inclusion in an Ork Waaargh! Sadly not any longer it seems, regardless I had one for many years and slapped some paint on him. He may, I suppose be found on the table during a chaos incursion, where his mutation (looks like an Ork with horns and a crab claw) will be properly appreciated.

Horny Crabclaw the Duffer-Upper.

Ordo Malleus with Chaotic Leanings

Another ancient model is my Inquisitor, whom, amongst other things can be my Astra Militarum Aeronautic advisor, shady human baddie and even a fully paid up member of the Ordo Astartes*. I put an old chaos space marine backpack on him because it is was more gothic looking than the boring imperial one. There is a good chance he will soon see action in our current 40K crusade when he joins my Astra Militarum force to sort out Scargill Sector.

Turk Badgallows, Ordo Astartes, heretics slain, xenos purged, discount rates for offing Space Marines.

Medi-Bot Saw-N-Chop

As part of a Astra Militarum revamp, a medical robot has been commissioned by High Command, to help boost morale and cut down on wasteful medical activities. His duties include; (but are not exclusive to) amputation, cauterization and emergency battlefield lobotomy. Comes with per grooming attachement.

Ready to dissect in the Emperor's name.

Druchari Medusa

A while back I bought some Chinaforge tat that ultimately was dissappointing, this Medusa was among that tat. Back when I wanted stuff that a lot of the time I didn't really, but got it anyway. I am led to beleive Chinaforge is on a par with Failcast in terms of quality at a quarter of the price. I only bought a few bits and in all probability, never again. This guy's chain fell off and was likely going to be left in a tin until I thought to put a bit of raider chain betwixt his wrists to give the whole horrific "too dangerous for even the Archon to leave roaming about the place" sort of vibe. I'm certain but this could also be marginally smaller than the GW one.

Gwimble Mindnobbler.

Dungeons & Lasers Objective Markers

Here are some Dungeons & Lasers items that I think can be used for both 40K jungle objective markers and mysterious scenery in Warhammer Fantasy. They're all on 40mm bases so you get an idea of the size. First up is a totem pole style thing, off the top of my head I don't know it's WFB use but I'm sure it can find use in a campaign involving a feral Imperial world with possibly alien interferance. Just slapped on some contrast paints and hey presto!

Probably an incongrueous setting but it will look much better on a properly themed board.

Next up is an otherworldly monument with some vines around it and what seems to be some sort of stable magnetic field that make the sections all float on one another. Probably going to represent something elven in WFB and a proper alien relic for the despoiling of by rabid Imperial troops in 40K.

Here we have floaty alien monument cordoned off from a gaggle of treasure hunting xenos.

Lastly is a much more exsplicable item. For all intents and purposes a slightly vandalised elven way stone. In 40K terms, for the purposes of display, it has been dragged off from it's idyllic home on a maiden world to be further abused, rediculed and spat at, by the honest Emperor fearing citizens of whichever Imperial world it has been dragged off to.

The treasure hunters wait for the coast to clear so they can; return/vandalise more/divine the secrets of the universe said waystone.

 *For those who haven't heard of them, the Ordo Astartes are a secretive branch of the Inquisition who mainly investigate Space Marine incompetence, rebellion, petulance and general uppityness. The Ordo was formed after approximately 1000 chapters of 1000 marines seemed to  fight in 50% of all battles within the Imperium, often against other Space Marine chapters. The High Lords of Terra are probably going to sort them out pretty soon.

So that's what I've gotten finished this update. Until next time hobby responsibly and try not to steal any alien artefacts form other worlds that don't belong to you.

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, 5 May 2024

Fun Guys, Hookey Mandrakes and some Humans

Greetings, progress is being made. Some more models are destined for the painted cabinet of model paradise, watched by the jealous semi painted existing in the purgatory that is my work in progress table. This update is a mixed bag of stuff that will be adorning tables in a scenario near you! Without any more bullcrap here is the stuff;

Some Fungii

A while back I put some dosh into a kickstarter that I thought had some great potential for my Warhammer Fantasy revival and several months later I got some stuff done. Not quickly enough to get them into a game but very soon I hope. They're from Dungeons & Lasers and it was the Encounters campaign. Apart from adorning battlefields of the 41st Millennium they can be stuck into my WFB mysterious woods when they turn out to be fungus forests and they scupper plans.

From left to right; The Blue Grotstool, Devil's Member and Twirly Flatcap.

Blind Beggar Hybrid Priest

Here's a model that took ages to complete as there was too much robe and not enough demarkation to make it fun to paint. Also I had started painting it pre contrast paints and couldn't be arsed to respray and start over. In the end some fishy motifs on the robes (hopefully) give off a fishman priest vibe. Doesn't really matter as it is unlikely he'll see much tabletime as anything other than a foul alien to purge.

It's all about fish and humans co-existing, right?

Crooked Dice Civilians

Crooked Dice have some bloody brilliant models mainly civilians and these are from the Colony 87 range. The Rolling Messiah and Unit L-Ron are below from the street trader range. Very nice models, dripping with character. The guy in the go cart can gain employment as a preacher with the Astra Militarum as a preacher if my crusade adversaries will allow it, the other can be a quantity surveyor for the AM if they ever get a proper resource management specialist game. Failing that, the mobility cart human can be used as a model representation of Revs Cantalope; tank commander in the Scargill Planetary Defence Force who lost his legs doing his duty defending Scargill from the thrice accursed Tau of Pur'La sept. Bastards. The other guy could be the quartermaster of the PDF of that highly busy planet.

Single White Guardsman

Here's one half of a Catachan Weapons team double act. I'm sure I have painted up the loader so this guy can make my units more symmetrical. Once again the base was adorned with some throttled alien fauna that trooper Gunn killed while waiting for the orders to move out.
Trooper Gunn and his dead mascot.

Demo Charge Cultist

According to the internets Acolyte Cultists with demo charges are the way to go if you want to win. As I nearly always buckle to social media pressure I made a hybrid armed with said equipment. It's am old Tyranid Attack hybrid from the early nineties with a modern demo charge arm. Mainly because it's far easier to recognise the dynamite in it's claw than continually explain to my opponent what it is. Contrast paints once again make this model froody.

Zanex Bomberknucle

The rear view of Zanex shows his two petrol cans to aid in the general fireyness of the rebellion.

Fake Mandrakes

Lastly on the list are some stl files for some faux Drukhari mandrakes. A few months ago a regular adversary of mine Aaron got hold of a 3d printer. I found him a free file for Mandrakes as they weren't available on the GW website and an unspecified time later I  had enough for two units. These are also very important in the tournament meta. I don't play tournament games but I do like the idea of them so expect to see them on some battlefields in the future.

I think I'll give these a cool sounding name like unit A.

These will get the even cooler name of unit B.

So that's the update for this week. Eighteen models to enhance my hobby life and provide a tiny bit of serotonin if someone actually comments on them (except for those arsehole bots that put a link in the comments). I bid you farewell and have a good hobby.

Thanks for reading.