Friday, 17 January 2025

2025 Reinforcements

 Happy New Year! Just a quick update to show some models I finished last year but because of reasons I only got to put them up now. It's another ecclectic mix of gubbins but at least some of it will see table time this year, I promise.

Multicultural Weapons Team

Last year I finished a couple of weapons teams for the Astra Miltarum, here is the final member of team Shoot 'em up. Most notable thing about this team is it contains a Cadian and a Tallarn. Truly proof that the Guard is one big happy, xenos hating family.

Ready to put large calibre but nontheless not very armour piercing munitions into the enemy.

Wannabee Commissar

This Valhallan lieutenant has been painted up as a Commissar with slightly questionable tastes in a uniform. Perhaps he is from a world where ludicrous hats are a thing, or perhaps he comes from Miliner 8 a planet where everyone makes the most of customising their head gear. Perhaps he is just wearing it for a dare. Only he, and by extension, me, knows.
Braggs Vanglore Commissar Extrodinaire!

Ursakar Creed

I can now confirm Ursakar Creed did not actually die at the fall of Cadia, he simple scarpered. With the new Astra Militarum book round the corner he may see some table time as his own daughter, some sort of Oedepus Syndrome in reverse.

Creed shows everyone his thousand yard stare.

Next are two Cadians that missed last muster and have shown up pretending they were here all along. Not much to say about them but they probably went AWOL with Creed on the last shuttle leaving Cadia dressed as orphans.

Privates Shufty and Koggs.

Redemptionist Zealot

This chap is going to join an Inquisitorial Henchmen group as an Eviscerator is just what is required to uncover the truth about whatever Inquisitor is looking into at any specific time. He can also hang out with his other Redemptionist mates if he is ever back on Necromunda, with a hankering for burning heretics. Fun times.

Slobberchops the Mangler

The Problem With Humanity These Days

Is mutants. The one below is a couple of AdMech bits grafted to a Skaven Clansman (or Slave). He is armed with some sort of Radium weapon and a big engorged throat. He will probably feature in a battle whenever I get my Chaos Cultist Army's shit together.

Goiters Malone

The Cops

Finished this month as well is my Adeptus Arbites squad. Cracking models, but I'm hoping to create some improbable occurances where they arrest Chaos Primarchs or an Avatar of Khaine. Or even the Silent King, I'm easy.
Ready to restrain criminals with extreme prejudice and minor glee.

Shotpistol, Webber and Grenade Launcher dudes.

Gimp, Buffalo Bill and Sniper.

One Proctor and his Cyber Hound

So there you have it, the Imperium has been reinforced, and the enemies of mankind will quake with terror at the sight of these heroes. Or something,

Thanks for reading.


Phil Curran said...

Being Arbite inclined I'm glad to see them painted up so well.

Jason F said...

Thanks Phil. They are lovely models. Hope to get them arresting special characters in the near future .

Ben Cato said...

Great work Jason. I love the commissar with the giant sun hat. Very practical and lots of shade. 😁

Jason F said...

Thanks Ben, he's a sun worshipper alright,I hope you can make out the sunglasses tucked into his collar as further proof.