Bonjour. Here is probably my last post of the year with new content anyway. Having had a dose of man flu that very nearly killed me, I bravely dragged myself out of the bed to paint up some more Genestealers for something exciting occurring in the new year. That is a 40K league within our gaming group C.L.A.W. It's a 1500 point league where each participant plays every other member once. There are 10 participants. 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw. we're going to play the first 9 scenarios as they appear in the Chapter approved 2019, alternating with the first Eternal War mission then the corresponding Maelstrom of War one. The two at the top of the league then have a play off final so we have an overall champion. That should prove very exciting and I may even be able to put up some batreps about it on here. Another member of the group has decided to create a blog exclusively about the league so there will be more news on that when I get it.
The Assembly of D'Keddes
The Assembly of D'Keddes is the new moniker of my GSC army. Basically derived from battlefield banter so I thought the name is as good as any other. the aforementioned man flu enabled me to finish some sections of my army and as I'm pretty much off until New Years Eve I may even be able to squeeze in a couple more finished models before 2020. The models below are all finished with the aid of GWs contrast paints, hence the fact that there are quite a lot done in a short space of time.
Brood Brothers
Ten Brood Brothers that are armed with a variety of weapons (some are illegal, but hey, Brood brothers don't follow the rules). The sergeant has got one of those dead giveaway extra blue arms so how he managed to pass the basic medical for the PDF is testament to either the jobsworth nature of the tester or a damning indictment of the corruption within the organisation.
The D'Keddes uniform, brown and grey. Classically stylish. |
Next up is these eight window lickers. Aberrants are pretty great models that when you slather in Magus Purple they look even better. They also pack a flip of a wallop! They are also, sadly rather thick, as their constantly questing tongues alludes to. One of the best aspects of Aberrants is their Bestial Vigour and the probably get this by constantly tasting stuff they shouldn't, building up their immunity to such an extent they could consume the contents of cattery's industrial sized litter tray with a hint of a weepy eye.
Flexing and licking things are an Aberrants favourite two things. |
Various Hybrids and Metamorphs
With the league looming and me toying with the idea of using the Twisted Helix cult I have come to the conclusion (along with the Aberrants) that the +1 strength bonus is a very useful thing to have with these extra-attack-having weirdos. To be honest having used Twisted Helix cult creed with ordinary Hybrids impressed me greatly in a recent game. They have some pretty good all round options but to me the best combo is a Metamorph claw and rending claw which gives you good versatility. In the background of this picture is an oldskool 90's Hybrid who I haven't armed with anything so he can just mill about at the back and try to not get in the way, until of course, I want him to get in the way of taking a bullet for his betters. Or a blade, radioactive shell or whatever else the GW design team can think up.
Four Metamorphs and Glenn, the slightly blurry Hybrid. |
Legless Hybrids
As all the GSC infantry kits have more torsos than pairs of legs, it is necessary to get a bit creative with the deficiency. Of course I could always just build the correct number of models that the box says or I can get a bit more Hybrid or Neophyte for my buck. So I have three Hybrid heavy weapon operators all emerging from things. Firstly on the left is Graham who is climbing out of an Astra Militarum green piece of Adeptus Mechanicum equipment, kindly donated by Stuart. Next is Wayne who has used a rock drill to tunnel his way out of a Killteam pillar. In the centre is Slobodan who is coming out of a manhole (possibly hybridhole) with his heavy rock saw. second from the left is Barry who is emerging from a pile of rubble where he may (or may not) have killed an Ad Mech Scitarii. Finally there is Neophyte Penelope poking out of a barrel to shot some enemies of the cult.
Five freebie models! |
Also here are some more Hybrids coming out of pipes (20mm plastic conduit) which will have some water effects applied to it (again kindly donated by Stuart) to make them look like they're sewage commandos. Also a Metamorph and my Iconward to finish the group.
The Iconward probably needs a bit more work on the banner but he's certainly tabletop ready. As far as the two pipe dwellers they may get another mention if the water experiment goes well. |
Finally a group shot. |
Thanks to the contrast paints these models look pretty great and are finished quickly. So quickly in fact that I may even get some more finished before December 31st. I really must create an end of year progress report and the best thing about that is I won't feel as embarrassed as usual. So until then have a great rest of the year with lots of hobby related presents or games to enjoy.
Thanks for reading.