Friday 5 June 2020

WIP - Sanctus Vindicare Assassin Conversion

Hello. as the blog post title implies, I have made a start on a Sanctus Vindicare Assassin conversion.  The main body is a Vindicare with one of the Locus model's spare heads. One of the old metal genestealer familiars goes on the base to become his super cover save cancelling buddy. Anyway here he is;

As of yet not much to get impressed by but as I'm using it as an entry into a Yaktribe painting competition I thought I'd put it here as well. I actually wanted to convert the familiar to be holding the Sanctus hand but in the end it seemed it wouldn't look as good as the familiar resting his hand on the leg, giving him super special vision. Anyway that's all for this update. Next one will either have some painted up guardsmen or a bit more paint on this one.

Thanks for Reading.

1 comment:

thanh tri said...
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